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Disclaimer: Please be advised, Stellaphire, LLC. does not practice medicine or offer any medical services. If you are suffering from any health problems, please consult a licensed healthcare professional. There are no medical claims being made about treatment with Theraphi cold atmospheric plasma. The Theraphi electronic system is not an FDA approved device and is still experimental. Although there are growing anecdotal references and peer-reviewed research on the healing capabilities of the cold atmospheric plasma technology, at this time it is not intended for the cure, treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of any illnesses.


By using the Theraphi system, you, the user, understand and agree that we are not responsible for any unintended outcome of the Theraphi cold atmospheric plasma system due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

Stellaphire, LLC. is a “wellness services” business, offering non-invasive, energy balancing and detoxing solutions.

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